Hi, I am a first year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, advised by Prof. Isil Dillig and Prof. Greg Durrett. I have, previously, been a Pre-doctoral Research Fellow at Microsoft, working with the PROSE (Program Synthesis) team, based out of Redmond. I received my bachelor’s degree from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (V.J.T.I.), Mumbai, India in Information Technology.
I have had the good fortune to work with Dr. Ashish Tiwari, Dr. Sumit Gulwani, Dr. Vu Le, Dr. Gust Verbruggen, Dr. Sandeep Udmale, and Dr. Vijay Sambhe.
Outside of work, you can find me running, playing the guitar, and listening to songs.
Download my CV .
Ph.D. in Computer Science, started 2024.
University of Texas at Austin.
B.Tech. in Information Technology, 2017-2021
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, India.
[22/05/2024] I am serving on the PC for ASE-Industry Track 2024.
[05/05/2024] I will be on the PC for OOPSLA ‘24.
[15/04/2024] 🏆 Our paper “Semantically Aligned Question and Code Generation for Automated Insight Generation” is selected as the Best Paper at LLM4Code at ICSE ‘24.
[06/04/2024] 🎓 I will be joining the UToPiA lab at UT Austin in Fall ‘24!
[22/03/2024] Paper on “Semantically Aligned Question and Code Generation for Automated Insight Generation” accepted to LLM4Code at ICSE ‘24.